It is no secret that there are numerous ways to make money online.
Here are just a few...
1. You can be a traffic broker who buys traffic from Yahoo or other search engines and send that traffic to their affiliate site or sites to earn commissions...
2. You can create content sites with Yahoo Publisher ads (Yahoo's answer to Google Adsense) and try to get listed in the search engines...
3. You can publish a website with what is called a squeeze page, to build a list of prospects and recommend new affiliate products daily, weekly, monthly etc...
4. You can create or buy the rights to sell a product, start an affiliate program and get other people to promote that product for you...
But you can't do everything at once and expect to do anything very well.
I believe that focus or the lack the main obstacle that stands between the successful internet business that most people in this industry dream of...
In my evaluation of why most people are failing online, I find that most people come up with these extravagant websites, promoting at least 10-20 different affiliate products with various banners flashing all over the place.
When this is brought to my attention, I immediately understand what the underlying problem is...
Here is my point...
You need to choose a proven business model and stick with it until it's profitable.
You need to choose a proven method of generating traffic and stick with it until it's profitable.
You must stop jumping from one thing to the next and giving up before you actually experience results.
A single sign of success may not come until you...lose money with Google advertising... write over 100 articles... make 100 posts on forums... create 100 Google Adsense pages...get 100 prospects on your subscribers list.
I am living proof of this fact...if you are consistent, persistent and stay focused on your dream, you will succeed.
This much I can Guarantee!
Now Go Get Your Dream!
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